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Free Cloud Hosting

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I’ve been searching for a cheap server host to host a website to show the status of my Plex server and websites. I found an application called Statping. It doesn’t take much to run so I wasn’t expecting to pay much, until I came across Oracle Cloud. As of October 2020, you can get two VM’s absolutely free. It’s not a trial, you get them permanently. They obviously aren’t massively spec’d, running 1/8 OCPU and 1 GB RAM each. Storage-wise, you get 2 Block Volumes, 100 GB total. 10 GB Object Storage. 10 GB Archive Storage. It obviously isn’t a powerhouse and probably won’t be able to run a full website as the network speed is also limited, but it’s enough for something like Statping that just pings websites every so often, and not storing much data.

My Statping lives here;

Better sort out my uptime!  It’s mainly due to me replacing an iffy SSD

The interface differs a bit, but you can follow the below link to get everything set up and up to the point where you can run dockers with ports opened. At this point you can just install, for instance, the Statping container and get up and running.

–Tutorial to be finished here–